AmeriSurveyors Terms & Conditions

Service Conditions: AmeriSurveyors LLC (Service Provider) is a full-service professional land surveying firm. The Service Provider, on request by a person (Client), produces land surveys using the given information, property access granted, and data provided by the Client and those obtained by third-party suppliers (Suppliers). Utilizing all the available information and data, the Service Provider endeavors to produce and deliver on-time, accurate land surveys. Prior to creating a land survey, the Service Provider in addition to conducting a survey of the physical property, reviews the information and data gathered from the Client and Suppliers, to ensure its completeness. In the review, if found that there is a need for remarking of missing monuments on the ground for conducting the land survey, unless otherwise agreed with the Service Provider, the work will only be performed after full payment is received from the Client. Further, if information and data deficiencies are noted from the review, the Service Provider will contact the Client or Suppliers to resolve these issues in a timely manner. Where a resolution is not possible, the Service Provider will cease work and notify the Client seeking payment for effort expended. The Client also agrees to exempt the Service Provider from any liabilities arising from work cessation, which resulted due to circumstances beyond the Service Provider’s control.

Payment Terms: AmeriSurveyors, LLC (Service Provider) commences its provision of services on request by a person (Client) and initial quotation that details the service, delivery date and price. When a variation to this initial quotation is considered necessary, an updated quotation detailing the changed scope, delivery date and price, is issued to the Client for consideration and acceptance. When the Client has accepted the quotation, the Service Provider commences work on producing the land survey(s) that meets exacting standards. Therefore, unless agreed otherwise with the Service Provider, the Client on acceptance of the quotation shall pay in full the price quoted for the agreed service. Given the short time within which the Service Provider delivers the service, the Client acknowledges and agrees that they are not entitled to a refund. On work completion and service (land survey) delivery, the Service Provider issues an invoice for the delivered service. The Amerisurveyors team appreciates your understanding of potential issues which may arise, although unlikely with minimal notice, and you being flexible where necessary to work closely with us.

Conditions of Use: This website and its contents are developed, maintained, and provided by AmeriSurveyors for use by its customers, employees, and the general public. To sign up as a registered user of the website, you will choose a user identifier, which is an email and a password, and you may also provide your name. Importantly, you are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of this information. This identifying information will enable you to login to the website for engaging with AmeriSurveyors. As a registered user, you agree not to use the website for any fraudulent or unlawful activities. Further, you agree that the information contained on the website is AmeriSurveyors property that is subject to applicable copyright law and intellectual property law. Access to the website may sometimes be interrupted by server outage or other technical problems. Therefore, you acknowledge that your website use is at your sole and exclusive risk. AmeriSurveyors expressly disclaims any and all expressed or implied warranties of any kind associated with data loss when using the website.

Privacy Notice: AmeriSurveyors is committed to your privacy. This means that we strive to collect only the personal data that we need to provide you with our land survey services. The personal data we collect via email, telephone and the website include names, phone numbers, email addresses, payment methods, and property details. We would use the personal data to communicate with you about your requests, transactions and to promote our services. AmeriSurveyors may share personal data with our suppliers when creating land surveys, however they cannot use or share the personal data for their own purposes. To comply with applicable financial reporting laws, we retain personal information associated with your land survey purchases, which would be up to a 5-year retention period. The personal data is protected using a combination of technical, physical, and administrative control measures.